Our friend Christie came over today and took pictures of our family. Kipp snapped a few pictures when the kids were posed. I love the way that Tanner is holding his sister. He really does love her.
He gets sad when she cries. He will bring us diapers or bring her a blanket. The only thing that he won't do is throw away dirty diapers. He is such a good brother.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Brotherly Love
Friday, February 27, 2009
More of Peyton
My beautiful friend Christie Hobson came to visit Peyton in the hospital. She is coming over tomorrow to take family pictures. She is so talented and takes amazing pictures. I am so excited for her to come over. I will post the pictures as soon as we see them.
Her blog is under Matt & Christie, click on the picture of her holding a camera to see the amazing pictures that she takes.Here is our girl on her first night at home. She is sleeping pretty great. She wakes up 2 times a night to eat. Sometimes she goes right back to sleep and sometimes she likes to stay awake for a while. When she stays awake Kipp takes her downstairs for a little daddy time.
Stephanie and Madeline came over for a visit yesterday. Steph brought us a great meal and brownies. It was such a nice treat!
I'm sorry-How cute! I think these two will be friends for a long time. Stephanie couldn't believe how big Madeline Grace looked next to Peyton Elizabeth. The girls are in P's room on her chair.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
My Girl LOVES Her Friends
I am so in love with this girl! Her shirt says I LOVE my auntie! Peyton is such a dream! I love holding her, looking at her, feeding her and listening to her.
We were so blessed to have so many visitors at the hospital. Ashley, Jaime and the 3 girls were visiting for the weekend and came by the hospital to meet our new little girl.
Ashley prayed for baby Pey before they left. My prayer for Peyton is that she has amazing friends like we do.
Jennifer, Brian, and Emily brought us a pizza dinner on night in the hospital. It was nice to get a break from hospital food.
Just the girl: Tammy and Jackie were excited to meet Peyton. Jackie babysat me one night while Derek and Kipp had a basketball game. We watched HSM3 and loved it!
Dusty and Andi are 2 months away from having a baby of their own!
Jafta and India are loving their baby cousin!
My best friend Beth and her mom Cindy came for a visit. Tanner calls Cindy his Mimi. Beth couldn't visit Tanner in the hospital because her son Landon was 5 days old.
Tanner came to visit his sister every day.
Kristi was our first non family member visitor.
Derek and Jackie came to see us 2 times.
This hat is from her Grandma Lyons. I think she looks so cute in it.
Tanner loves his sister.
Here we are going home form the hospital! It feels good to be home!! Our first night was pretty good. We are all just getting used to being a family of 4. Tanner waves at Peyton all of the time. He brings her things that he thinks she might want. He is such a good brother.
Thank you friends for all of your prayers. Keep them coming!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Peyton Elizabeth is here!!!! She was born on Friday, February 20th at 7:38am, and weighed 8lbs,1oz and was 19 inches long. She is doing great, eating and sleeping throughout the day and night. Sarah is also doing great. She started walking around today, and we even took Peyton on a walk today around the wing of the hospital. Thank you all for your prayers, gifts, visits and love.I scrubbed in for the procedure. I told the Doctors if they needed any help I would jump in. Little did I know that I would almost pass out in the delivery room 1 hour later.
Sarah got to hold Peyton for about a minute right after she was born. Tears of joy.
A very tired momma.
Big Brother.
Family of four.
More pics to follow.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A new mommy and baby Tanner 3-7-07.
"Before you wer conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were here an hour I would die for you. This is the miracle of life. " -Maureen Hawkins
Tomorrow morning I go in for my c-section. I can't wait to meet my little girl!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
This is a picture is at our rehearsal dinner before our wedding almost 7 years ago. Kipp and I were laughing at how young and skinny we were! One thing that hasn't changed is that Kipp still makes me smile.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
This morning Kipp let me sleep in while he and Tanner made me a heart shaped cake. Tanner had made his hat earlier this week at his mommy and me preschool class. His shirt says "Official Heart Breaker".
Every Valentine's Day my parents host a breakfast. My mom makes heart shaped waffles and we give Valentines to everyone there.
Will You Be My Valentine?
One of our last pictures of our family of 3. Mommy is looking B-I-G!
Tanner is checking out his new book.
What a cutie!!
So This Friday is our C-Section date. We are in the final count down to see Peyton Elizabeth!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Soundtrack of my Life
I remember when Jafta went through this stage a few years ago and now it is Tanner's turn. This is what I head about 50 times everyday.
India, Jafta, Mark, Kristen
If we ever say one of their names then Tanner will have to say all of their names.
He usually just says their names while he is playing or when we are in the car together. But yesterday when we got out of the car to go into a store he started yelling their name. It was like he thought they were in the parking lot and if he yelled loud enough then they would hear him and come out to play.
Then while we are driving he feels the need to point out every big truck, bus or pick up truck. He calls me until I say that I see it too.
So this is the soundtrack in the car:
Big Truck, Momma, Big Truck
Busssss, Momma, Bussssss
I love my guy! I'm just ready for him to have a few more words.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
American Idol
Here is another picture of Tanner's birthday party. The leader of the class is Ryan Kalama and he lives in San Clemente, where Kipp and I live. His brother is on this seasons of American Idol, his name is Kai Kalama and he is also from San Clemente. He has a relaxed Jack Johnson feel. If you are looking for someone to root for, he is my pick.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Tanner's Birthday Party
Tanner's birthday is March 7th, but we had his party last night due to the arrival of Peyton girl. We had his party at Gymboree and it was so much fun. They took care of everything, down to the goodie bags. All we did is show up and have a good time! Aunt Kristen made the cupcakes, Grandma Lyons brought healthy snacks for the kids, and Grandma Howerton brought drinks and snacks for the grown-ups.
We were so blessed to have so many friends come and play with us. Tanner had the time of his life. Every time I looked at him he had a big smile on his face.Ryan was the leader of the party and he did such a good job. He got all of the kids involved.
Uncle Mark and JJ helped all of the kids climb up and jump down. It was so fun to see all of the adults helping all of the kids.
Who doesn't love bubbles??
All of the kids got along so well and had so much fun together. Tanner is holding Gymbo the Clown.
After all of the play time we went into the party room for treats. Lexi looks on as Tan tries to blow out his candle, he needed a little help from mom.
After a good work out and a cupcake Tanner has Partied as much as possible. It was such a great day! Thank you friends for making it so special! Please look at my friend Dionne's blog to the right called POT LIQUOR for a cute picture and video of the party. It is too cute.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Yummy Yucky
My mom gave Tanner a book for Christmas called Yummy Yucky.
Tanner loves it and we read it all the time. The thing is that now he says that ALL food is Yucky. We has pasta for dinner, that is why Tanner is shirtless. We had strawberries for desert. -Thanks mom!
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Peyton Elizabeth's Room
Here are a lot of pictures of Peyton's room. It was Tanner's old green nursery. We used Tanner's crib and changing table. Now, as you know, Tanner is in a big boy room and bed. Tanner and Peyton have the same # of letters and Tan had his name on the wall so we replaced a few letters to spell Peyton.
I ordered her bumper today so it should be here in a few days. That is the last touch and then the room is ready!
Her room is kind of a bird, birdhouse, owl theme. The pink and white flowers were centerpieces of our wedding. They have been in the closet for a few years and I thought they were super cute.
Tanner had a quilt hanging in the same place so we just changed it out. Her diaper bag is ready to go to the hospital with us. Peyton's dresser is a hand-me-down from my mom. It matches her crib perfectly. My mom gave me the birdhouse and the little pink dog for my shower gift. The dog was a shower gift to my Grandma when she had my mom.
I put a pink cover on the changing table to completely change to look. There are newborn diapers ready to go in the baskets.
Tanner loves her lamb. He knows it is his sister's lamb, but we say that she is sharing it with him.
This is her bedding. I love it!
This is her car seat. Again, it is Tanner's old car seat, but I got the cover at a store that was going out of business. It is so girly and I love it!