Thursday, February 07, 2008

Poor Sick Boy

We are having a sad day. Tan Man is so sick and it makes me so sad. He has thrown up 4 times this morning and been in 3 different outfits. The worst is when he gets sick and then looks at me and starts to cry! I just want to hold him all day. I am so glad that he is taking a good nap in his room right now. Poor Baby.


Lyonslove said...

BTW-Today Tanner is 11 months old!

Diane Davis said...

geez... between you and the templetons you've got some sick kids.

i'll be sending good thoughts your way. poor t-man.


Brazenlilly said...

Yikes...I hope he doesn't have what Lexi has! Poor guy. Hang in there, Mommy!

Emily said...

Poor guy!

Kristi said...

i am so sad tanner is sick...i hope he didn't catch it from lexi.

Diane Davis said...

Is Tanner better???? Update us when you can. You have lots of concerned and caring friends! :)

Brazenlilly said...

I was going to say the same he better yet?!?