Thursday, June 05, 2008

Bay of Play

Tanner and I went to Sea World yesterday to check of the new play area Bay of Play. You can tell by the pictures that Tanner loved it! I did too. It is great to see Tanner having so much fun and being so free.
This kid is a climber! Earlier yesterday Tan had climbed up on a chair then onto our dinning room table! (After doing that twice he got his first time out)!

Look at Elmo's face. He's thinking, "Wait, come back!"
My 2 Cookie Monsters!
This was a wonderful day. I have been working so hard at school getting ready for the end of the year, at church, and the stress of wanting to see our house. When I have a whole day to spend with Tanner it makes all of the hard work worth it.
We had a great day until it started raining! Tanner had a hood and a blanket, but Mom was left out in the cold.
If anyone wants us to go to Sea World with them let us know.


Dusty Shultz said...

awesome looks like fun. Do you guys have passes to sea world?

Brazenlilly said...

We do! We want to go to Sea World with you! :) How fun to have a place just for his age where he can run and climb. Looks like a blast!

Nancy H said...

You know I always want to go to Sea World or anywhere with you and "Tan man"!! Somthing about our job that keeps that from happening as often as I would like!! Summer is coming!!

Nancy H said...

You know I always want to go to Sea World or anywhere with you and "Tan man"!! Something about our job that keeps that from happening as often as I would like!! Summer is coming!!

Nancy H said...

Opps!! What just happened??